#ifndef _PRO_CON_H #define _PRO_CON_H // // Copyright (c) 2002 by Ted T. Yuan. // // Permission is granted to use this code without restriction as long as this copyright notice appears in all source files. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef SPACE_YIN // either you define the space name #define SPACE_YIN yin // or I define it with a default name "yin" #endif // in most cases, you do not want to define HAS_PUTTABLETAKABLE, // it forces you to define Takable, Puttable in your code #ifdef HAS_PUTTABLETAKABLE #define _HAS_PUTTABLETAKABLE #endif // namespace is 'yin', the yin classes are usually sub-classed // by applications, the sub-classes that contain application logic // are to be in the 'yang' namespace namespace SPACE_YIN { ///////////////////////////////////////// // forward declarations... class Latch; class Gate; // sync'd implementation of the corresponding std container classes template < typename _Tp, typename _queueTp > class Channel; // intend to be a linear queue, FIFO template < typename _Tp > struct Pool; template < typename _Tp > struct Channels; // a pool of Channel objects // access syntax api of the above implementation, // _ChannelTp can be Channel or Channels // TODO - _ChannelTp should be defined in a trait class... template < typename _Tp, typename _ChannelTp > struct Takable; template < typename _Tp, typename _ChannelTp > struct Puttable; // producer-consumer idiom implemetation templates template < typename _Tp, typename _ChannelTp > class Producer; template < typename _Tp, typename _ChannelTp > class Consumer; // Production has producers and consumers which are connected through queue template < typename _Tp, typename _ChannelTp, typename _ProducerTp, typename _ConsumerTp > class Production; // Consuming is a pool of consumers to consume a static queue template < typename _Tp, typename _ChannelTp, typename _ConsumerTp > class Consuming; ///////////////////////////////////////// // typedefs and convenient functions typedef boost::mutex Mutex; typedef boost::condition Condition; typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock Lock; inline static void sleep( int secs, int msecs = 0, int usecs = 0, int nsecs = 0) { boost::xtime xt; boost::xtime_get(&xt, boost::TIME_UTC); if(nsecs > 1000) { usecs += nsecs / 1000; nsecs = nsecs % 1000; } if(usecs > 1000) { msecs += usecs / 1000; usecs = usecs % 1000; } if(msecs > 1000) { secs += msecs / 1000; msecs = msecs % 1000; } xt.sec += secs; xt.nsec += (long)msecs * 1000000L + usecs * 1000L + nsecs; boost::thread::sleep(xt); } // if you want logging you need to define WITH_LOGGING, // then call Logger::log("any text"); once in your main thread // before using the classes in this file. It assures // Logger::instance() to run properly (static Mutex s_mu is created un-interruptedly). #ifdef WITH_LOGGING #define _WITH_LOGGING #endif // debug classes... struct Logger { #ifdef _WITH_LOGGING // call this once at start of application (main thread) to make sure s_mu is proper inline static Mutex & instance() { static Mutex s_mu; return(s_mu); } #endif inline static void log(const char * buf) { #ifdef _WITH_LOGGING // can not protect if an outside thread that does not know the mutex and accesses std::cout directly Lock lock(instance()); std::cout << buf << std::endl << std::flush; #endif } inline static void beeper(int interval, char * msg) { if(msg) { SPACE_YIN::sleep(interval); log(msg); } } }; class pc_exception : public std::runtime_error { public: explicit pc_exception(const std::string& msg) : std::runtime_error(msg) {} }; ///////////////////////////////////////// // implementation // _queueTp has to have Container traits template < typename _Tp, typename _queueTp = std::deque<_Tp> > class Channel : private _queueTp { private: size_t maxSize_; Mutex monitor_; Condition bufferNotFull_, bufferNotEmpty_; volatile bool bMayStop_; public: explicit Channel(size_t limit = (size_t)-1) : maxSize_(limit < 1 ? 1 : limit), bMayStop_(false) {} Channel(_queueTp& queue) : _queueTp(queue), maxSize_(queue.max_size()) {} // for consumer thread... _Tp poll(long msecs = -1) // ignore msecs for now { Lock lk(monitor_); while (!bMayStop_ && 0 == ((_queueTp *)this)->size()) { bufferNotEmpty_.wait(lk); } // outside caller intentionally calls for stop, last resort? if(bMayStop_ && 0 == ((_queueTp *)this)->size()) throw pc_exception("consumer to end"); // pop back _Tp item = pop(); bufferNotFull_.notify_one(); return item; } // for producer thread... bool offer(_Tp item, long msecs = -1) // ignore msecs for now { Lock lk(monitor_); while (maxSize_ == ((_queueTp *)this)->size()) { bufferNotFull_.wait(lk); } // push front push(item); bufferNotEmpty_.notify_one(); return true; } virtual void mayStop(bool bMayStop = true) { Lock lk(monitor_); bMayStop_ = bMayStop; if(bMayStop) // if outside says may stop, wake up the waiting threads... { bufferNotEmpty_.notify_all(); } } // for outside callers only, calling this on Linux 7.2 within // the above poll() or offer() will deadlock typename _queueTp::size_type size() { Lock lk(monitor_); return ((_queueTp *)this)->size(); } protected: virtual _Tp pop() // retrieve from end { _Tp item = ((_queueTp *)this)->back(); ((_queueTp *)this)->pop_back(); return item; } virtual void push(const _Tp item) // insert at head... { ((_queueTp *)this)->insert(((_queueTp *)this)->begin(), item); } }; // Pool provides thread-safe access to std::vector<_Tp> template < typename _Tp > struct Pool : public Channel< _Tp, std::vector<_Tp> > { Pool(size_t limit = (size_t)-1) : Channel< _Tp, std::vector<_Tp> >(limit) {} Pool(std::vector<_Tp>& queue) : Channel< _Tp, std::vector<_Tp> >(queue) {} }; // Channels is intended to be a thread-safe vector of thread-safe queues... template < typename _Tp > struct Channels : public Pool< Channel<_Tp> > { Channels(size_t size = (size_t)-1) : Pool< Channel<_Tp> >(size) {} _Tp poll(long msecs = -1) // ignore msecs for now { Channel<_Tp> channel = ((Pool< Channel<_Tp> >*)this)->poll(msecs); return channel.poll(msecs); } bool offer(_Tp item, long msecs = -1) // ignore msecs for now { Channel<_Tp> channel = ((Pool< Channel<_Tp> >*)this)->poll(msecs); return channel.offer(item, msecs); } }; // taker API on top of thread-safe _ChannelTp template < typename _Tp, typename _ChannelTp = Channel<_Tp> > struct Takable // thread-safe storage iterator { _ChannelTp& channel_; Takable(_ChannelTp& chan) : channel_(chan) {} virtual _Tp take(long msecs = -1) { try { return channel_.poll(msecs); } catch (pc_exception& pce) { throw pce; } catch (boost::lock_error& err) { Logger::log(err.what()); throw (int)err.what(); } catch (std::exception& err) { Logger::log(err.what()); throw (int)err.what(); } catch (...) { Logger::log("you threw take error"); throw -1; } } }; // inserter API on top of thread-safe _ChannelTp template < typename _Tp, typename _ChannelTp = Channel<_Tp> > struct Puttable // thread-safe storage inserter { _ChannelTp& channel_; Puttable(_ChannelTp& chan) : channel_(chan) {} virtual void put(_Tp item, long msecs = -1) { try { channel_.offer(item, msecs); } catch (boost::lock_error& err) { throw (int)err.what(); } catch (std::exception& err) { Logger::log(err.what()); throw (int)err.what(); } catch (...) { Logger::log("you threw put error"); throw -1; } } }; // Locking mechanisms class Latch { protected: volatile bool state_; #define latched_ state_ Mutex monitor_; Condition cond_; public: explicit Latch(bool state = false) : latched_(state) {} bool attempt(long msecs) { return false; // function holder, not implemented yet } void acquire() { Lock lk(monitor_); while (!latched_) cond_.wait(lk); } // enables all current and future acquires to pass void release(bool bRelease = true) { Lock lk(monitor_); latched_ = bRelease; cond_.notify_all(); } #undef latched_ }; // use object pointers of type _Tp to go around STL's value semantic... template < typename _Tp, typename _ChannelTp = Channel<_Tp> > class Producer { Puttable<_Tp, _ChannelTp> * ptr_holder_; boost::shared_ptr< Puttable<_Tp, _ChannelTp> > holder_; protected: Puttable<_Tp, _ChannelTp>& channel_; Latch& latch_; volatile bool bMayStop_; public: Producer(Puttable<_Tp, _ChannelTp>& channel, Latch& lh) : channel_(channel), latch_(lh), bMayStop_(true) {} Producer(_ChannelTp& channel, Latch& lh) : ptr_holder_( new Puttable<_Tp, _ChannelTp>(channel) ), holder_(ptr_holder_), channel_(*holder_), latch_(lh), bMayStop_(true) {} void operator()() { latch_.acquire(); started(); // bMayStop_ is a suggest to stop from outside, overwritable cancel() is internal condition... for(;!(bMayStop_ && cancel());) { try { _Tp o = produce(); channel_.put(o); } catch (pc_exception) { break; } catch (...) { // you threw Logger::log("Caught unknown exception in Producer::produce"); break; } boost::thread::yield(); // need breath... } done(); } virtual void mayStop(bool bMayStop = true) { channel_.channel_.mayStop(bMayStop_ = bMayStop); } protected: // overwritable by derived classes... virtual _Tp produce() { // value semantic, _Tp may need to have a copy constructor... Logger::beeper(1, "producer not implemented"); throw -1 ; } virtual bool cancel() { return false; } // defualt implementation is never to cancel virtual void started() { Logger::log("producer started"); } virtual void done() { Logger::log("producer done"); } }; template < typename _Tp, typename _ChannelTp = Channel<_Tp> > class Consumer { Takable<_Tp, _ChannelTp> * ptr_holder_; boost::shared_ptr< Takable<_Tp, _ChannelTp> > holder_; protected: Takable<_Tp, _ChannelTp>& channel_; Latch& latch_; long checkEmptyWithinMSec_; volatile bool bMayStop_; public: Consumer(Takable<_Tp, _ChannelTp>& channel, Latch& lh) : channel_(channel), checkEmptyWithinMSec_(-1), latch_(lh), bMayStop_(true) {} Consumer(_ChannelTp& channel, Latch& lh) : ptr_holder_( new Takable<_Tp, _ChannelTp>(channel) ), holder_(ptr_holder_), channel_(*holder_), checkEmptyWithinMSec_(-1), latch_(lh), bMayStop_(true) {} void operator()() { latch_.acquire(); started(); // bMayStop_ is a suggest to stop from outside, overwritable cancel() is internal condition... for(;!(bMayStop_ && cancel());) { try { // wait for within_msec milli-seconds to make sure no new tasks coming in... _Tp item = channel_.take(checkEmptyWithinMSec_ < 0 ? -1 : checkEmptyWithinMSec_); consume(item); } catch (pc_exception) { // thrown by mayStop() in _ChannelTp break; } catch (...) { // you threw Logger::log("Caught unknown exception in Consumer::consume"); break; } boost::thread::yield(); // need breath... } done(); } virtual void mayStop(bool bMayStop = true) { channel_.channel_.mayStop(bMayStop_ = bMayStop); } protected: // overwritable by derived classes... virtual void consume(_Tp x) { Logger::log("consumer not implemented"); } virtual bool cancel() { return false; } // default implementation is never to cancel virtual void started() { // defualt implementation does nothing Logger::log("consumer started"); } virtual void done() { // defualt implementation does nothing Logger::log("consumer done"); } }; // thread-safe, sustainable production-line logic that chains producers with consumers template < typename _Tp, typename _ChannelTp = Channel<_Tp>, typename _ProducerTp = Producer<_Tp, _ChannelTp>, typename _ConsumerTp = Consumer<_Tp, _ChannelTp> > class Production { private: size_t queueLen_, nProducers_, nConsumers_; bool syncStart_, bHidePuttableTakable_; public: // bHideTakable indicates derived classes of Producer and Consumer // do not have custom implementation of Puttable and Takable interfaces explicit Production(size_t np = 1, size_t nc = 1, bool sc = true, size_t ql = (size_t)-1, bool bHideTakable = false) : nProducers_(np), nConsumers_(nc), syncStart_(sc), queueLen_(ql), bHidePuttableTakable_(bHideTakable) {} void operator()() { _ChannelTp chan(queueLen_); Latch theLatch, noLatch(true); #if defined(_HAS_PUTTABLETAKABLE) Puttable<_Tp, _ChannelTp> puttable(chan); Takable<_Tp, _ChannelTp> takable(chan); _ProducerTp* producer = bHidePuttableTakable_ ? new _ProducerTp(chan, noLatch) : new _ProducerTp(puttable, noLatch) ; _ConsumerTp* consumer = bHidePuttableTakable_ ? new _ConsumerTp(chan, syncStart_ ? theLatch : noLatch) : new _ConsumerTp(takable, syncStart_ ? theLatch : noLatch); #else _ProducerTp* producer = new _ProducerTp(chan, noLatch); _ConsumerTp* consumer = new _ConsumerTp(chan, syncStart_ ? theLatch : noLatch); #endif std::auto_ptr<_ProducerTp> prodClean(producer); std::auto_ptr<_ConsumerTp> consClean(consumer); consumer->mayStop(false); pcModelCreated(*producer, *consumer); try { boost::thread_group pthreads, cthreads; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < nProducers_; ++i) pthreads.create_thread(*producer); for (i = 0; i < nConsumers_; ++i) cthreads.create_thread(*consumer); theLatch.release(); beforeJoin(); pthreads.join_all(); // wait for tasks to be processed by consumers, // then tell them to stop...not really needed? while(chan.size() > 0) sleep(0, 10); consumer->mayStop(true); // producers are done, consumers *may* stop... cthreads.join_all(); afterJoin(); } catch (boost::lock_error& err) { Logger::log(err.what()); } catch (std::exception& err) { Logger::log(err.what()); } catch (...) { Logger::log("caught..."); } } // sub-classes overwritables ... // monitoring... virtual void pcModelCreated(_ProducerTp& producer, _ConsumerTp& consumer) {} virtual void beforeJoin() { Logger::log("production before join"); } virtual void afterJoin() { Logger::log("production after join"); } }; template < typename _Tp, typename _ChannelTp = Channel<_Tp>, typename _ConsumerTp = Consumer<_Tp, _ChannelTp> > class Consuming { protected: size_t nConsumers_; bool syncStart_, bHidePuttableTakable_; _ChannelTp& channel_; public: // bHideTakable indicates derived classes of Consumer // do not have custom implementation of Takable interfaces Consuming(_ChannelTp& channel, size_t nc = 1, bool sc = true, bool bHideTakable = false) //, Gate * gate = NULL) : channel_(channel), nConsumers_(nc), syncStart_(sc), bHidePuttableTakable_(bHideTakable) //, channelReadGate(gate) {} void operator()() { Latch theLatch, noLatch(true); #if defined(_HAS_PUTTABLETAKABLE) Takable<_Tp, _ChannelTp> takable(channel_); // valid in this function scope // consumer is created here, and it is shared by all consumer threads... // in a sense the single consumer is the model for a group of threaded live consumers _ConsumerTp* consumer = bHidePuttableTakable_ ? new _ConsumerTp(channel_, syncStart_ ? theLatch : noLatch) : new _ConsumerTp(takable, syncStart_ ? theLatch : noLatch); #else _ConsumerTp* consumer = new _ConsumerTp(channel_, syncStart_ ? theLatch : noLatch); #endif std::auto_ptr<_ConsumerTp> consClean(consumer); consumer->mayStop(true); consumerModelCreated(*consumer); boost::thread_group threads; try { for (size_t i = 0; i < nConsumers_; ++i) threads.create_thread(*consumer); } catch (boost::lock_error& err) { Logger::log(err.what()); } catch (std::exception& err) { Logger::log(err.what()); } catch (...) { Logger::log("caught..."); } theLatch.release(); beforeJoin(); threads.join_all(); afterJoin(); } // sub-classes overwritables ... // monitoring... virtual void consumerModelCreated(_ConsumerTp& consumer) {} virtual void beforeJoin() { Logger::log("Consuming before join"); } virtual void afterJoin() { Logger::log("Consuming after join"); } // if you set consumer->mayStop(false) in consumerModelCreated, like in ThreadPool // this is the only way to stop the pool later by an application... virtual void mayStop(bool bMayStop = true) { channel_.mayStop(bMayStop); } }; } // namespace yin #endif