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  • How to input the password
    The password can be input directly from the About dialog window under the Help menu of the products. For older versions of the products, you may need to type in the password in a DOS prompt in the installed directory again. For instance, after install SnapView, open a DOS window, change into the installed directory. At the DOS prompt, type (note the spaces between words)
    SnapView.exe -passwd TheCaseSensitivePassword
    Email to [email protected] if you have a problem.
  • How to install ImageShow
    After you download imageshw.exe, save it in an empty directory. Run imageshw.exe which creates setup.exe and bunch of others. Run setup.exe and that's it.
    If you already installed a previous version of the product and would like to install to the same directory, delete all the files in the installed directory prior to the new installation. The provided uninstall tool program can do this automatically for you. Just click the uninstall icon the program group.
  • How to install SnapView
    After you download snapview.exe, save it in an empty directory. Run snapview.exe which creates setup.exe and bunch of others. Run setup.exe and that's it. If you already installed a previous version of the product and would like to install to the same directory, delete all the files in the installed directory prior to the new installation. The provided uninstall tool program can do this automatically for you. Just click the uninstall icon the program group.
  • How do I create a program item for ImageShow (for installations that failed to create program group for ImageShow)
    For Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 95
    After install ImageShow, right click on Windows task bar. Select 'Properties' from the popup menu. Select 'Start menu programs' tab in the popup window. Press 'Add' button. You can type in the full path of ImageShow in the edit box, or use the browse button to find ImageShow in the directory where you installed ImageShow. Press 'Next' button. You can create a new folder to hold the new program item by pressing 'New Folder...' button on the 'Select Program Folder' window and give a name for the folder. Press 'Next' button again and press 'Finish' button on the final window.
    For Windows NT 3.51
    Start Program Manager, select File/New menu item, follow the screen options.
  • SnapView captured screen images correctly, but failed in saving the image files
    If you are using SnapView version 1.2 or earlier, please upgrade to version 1.3 or the latest from our website. This bug was fixed which was due to non-standard monitor display mode. If the newer version still does not work, please contact us at 650.965.9197, or send email to [email protected].
  • Problem in saving images in PCX file format...
    Please upgrade your ImageShow, SnapView or SlideShow to the latest version. Go to the download page.
  • SnapView or ImageShow printing problem, error message "An error occured during this operation" or "Error getting a DC!"
    Please upgrade your ImageShow, SnapView or SlideShow to the latest version. Go to the download page.
  • TWAIN Error when working with a scanner... error message "Open DSM - Could not find the TWAIN Source Manager. Please reinstall software."
    Most likely, you have an older scanner device that was bought before 1996. The new 32 bit twain driver is not installed. ImageShow works with 32bit TWAIN v1.6 interface. However, this does not mean that ImageShow can not work with older scanners. One of the solutions is to contact the scanner manufacturer and ask for their newest scanner driver for your Windows 95 or NT (usually free) and reinstall the driver software.

    Note, if you only find twain.dll in your Windows or Winnt directory, you can be sure that you only have old 16 bit twain interface on your computer and ImageShow should NOT work with your scanner at this time. With 32 bit twain driver and interface installed, you should have twain.dll, twain_32.dll, TWUNK_16.EXE, TWUNK_32.EXE appear in the Windows or Winnt directory, plus the scanner's driver data source directory.

    You can also download the driver files from the web by yourself! To find the scanner driver file yourself, select from the manufacturer list and look for 32 bit driver for Windows 95 or NT and your scanner model. The driver package usually contains the latest 32 bit twain interface files (mentioned above).

    If you are sure the scanner is for Window 95 or NT, but did not find twain_32.dll or twunk_xx.dll in your Windows or Winnt directory, you need to download the 32 bit twain interface files
    here to get 32 bit TWAIN interface files for Windows 95.
    here to get 32 bit TWAIN interface files for Windows NT. Also get msvcrt20.dll for NT and copy it into your WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory if you do NOT have already.
    Remember to backup the 16 bit twain.dll file that already installed on your PC before install the new TWAIN interface files!

    If you need, get pkzip2.04g (which contains pkunzip.exe) from PKWARE to unpack the .zip files.

  • Painting with pen/brush, sometimes it paints different color than I selected...
    When painting on a paletted image (256 colors or less), the pen/brush color is matched to the closest color in the color palette of the image. This causes the color change. To make sure it paints with the color that you set, promote the paletted image to true color image before you paint or apply any color related operation.
  • The relative frame position information was not read in correctly from a multi-frame gif file
    The bug was fixed in the latest release. Please download the latest version from our website.

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